Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Blog

This blog thing has been fun. Thanks for all of your support. I will not be blogging for a while. I need a vacation from writing on this thing.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I just ate a piece of pizza

Twitter blog post now. It was cheesy and had sunflower seeds on it. Although they called it Hawaiian, there wasn't quite enough pineapple on it. I can't forgive them for that. My mouth asks for sweetness within the salty pork flats.

I don't think that I could ever get rid of pork in my diet. I just love the Hawaiian pizza too much. This piece that I had tonight was good, but not simple good. Keep the ingredients simple with a simple design, like canadian bacon and pineapple.

Food Without Rules

Do you know how frustrating it is to live in such an instructional world. We live by unwritten rules that show up in the recipes of our lives. It must be done this way, they say. I ask them who decides my way? They respond with the same comment as before.

I want to develope a creative allowance in the world of food. We make what we intuit from the ingredients in the fridge and the pantry. I say break the rules in your own way. They weren't there to get you closer to your best, but to re-create someone else's best.

The French put an over-medium cooked egg on a pizza. I thought that this was impossible, until I had one slice of yolky fulfillment. Then I thought, how stupid can I be? The egg and cheese bagel sandwich has been a favorite for years. Our beliefs on the way that things should be--should be let go, for what is right here and waiting to be experienced.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bring Back the Buffalo

Stop buying so much beef. We can create a market for Buffalo and reintroduce this lands heart and wisdom. The buffalo are greatly respected among the first nation people. Grandfather Buffalo teaches us how to live within Great Spirits realm with integrity and honor.

We can change things, not with technology, but the true and natural way that North American has been in centuries lost to invention and not intention. Slow down and seek what is already there. The Earth our Earth shares all that it is with us and for the most part we just take. Give back by allowing the Spirit of Buffalo to return to the grass lands and make this land sacred again.

Right now, grocery stores have buffalo sections. Support this lean and soulfully filling meat. It cooks quick, digests well, and brings your spirit back in time, when the resources outweighed the gains. Money took priority to the life of the land and we killed off one of our greatest food supplies. Bring them back, imagine herds and herds stopping drum and bass beats in your dreams.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Voice of Food

Another bite swallows the words from my mouth. Silence was a good sign, that salivary glands instead of voice boxes filling the space. I don't know what food has to say back, but smack smack swish and curl.

What of the crying last words of our beloved vegatables, as they enter the end of their life cycle, stopping only when they reach the groud again. And soon, new growth takes form and life is continued. If my purpose was to feed souls, I would become the nutrient and the action would perpetuate my life through another being.

There is death to the world every day and because of that we are allowed to change and find the voice that feeds. I may start talking to my food. The journey was long and refrigerated, flash frozen and baked along the way, so I pay omage to the gift that it does bring.

All the screaming local produce, telling us to please be near and be here. The driving trucks and commuters pass by as the vegatables trip to your plate took longer than your last vacation. Good thing that they are best served cold. Pick what, where and eat it? Pick it up at the farm where the same bees that buzz in your face are pollenating the crops in your neighbors back yard.

The voice of food is calling to you to be rooted in your surroundings, and understand that this will be how we support each other. I say safe travels to you, the cargo will soon become your body.

Monday, June 1, 2009

How to write a menu?

What is the question that every Mother isn't ready for after a day at work, "What's for dinner Moms?" Hungry bellies dominate in households around tis country. Everybody is too busy for coming together of dinner. Work, Practice, Study this Study that and all we are left with is an empty house--full of people.

I don't know if anyone has experienced living with a group of people, but you never really spent the time to get to know them. It's sad and I've been there, just looking for a full belly. How could I have given this time to the food alone, in my aloneness?

At least the food brings the family together, for whatever it is. Time in front of the TV, venting about work, preaching politics-like they were more important than family, right now. Family is all around you.

The menu is in the making, remember the good times and re-create them in a new way. Start with what puts a smile on everyone's face. Next get some piece of kitchen utensil in the hand of all hungry mouths present. Dishes can be just as bonding. The final step is to be spontaneous and say the first thing that comes to mind. We take too much ownership of what we say, let it out, be honest and just let it out.